5 september 2013




Director of Adult Social Care, Health and Housing


1.1       To inform the Board of progress made by the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Working Group to develop an action plan that will deliver “Seamless Health” - improved health and wellbeing outcomes of local people and reduced health inequalities between local people.


That the Board:

2.1          Notes the content of the report

2.2          Agrees the revised delivery model as set out in the body of the report


3.1          To record progress against statutory duties that came into force on April 2013 subject to the Health and Social Care Act (“the Act”).

3.2          To reduce administration, time and human resource costs, to improve delivery outcomes in an integrated manner.


4.1          To proceed with the original delivery plan with 3 themed work stream / sub-groups under the Working Group, the potential disadvantages of which are outlined in the body of the report.


5.1          The Act places a requirement on health and wellbeing boards to commission a joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (“JHWS”) that must be developed and delivered jointly and equally between the local authority and local health partners from April 2013.  In preparation, the Shadow Board established a Working Group to identify priorities for improving the health and wellbeing of local people based on an assessment of current evidence and needs.  

Entitled “Seamless Health”, the JHWS is now complete, is publicly available and sets out  5 themes and 17 underpinning priorities (See Appendix A).

5.2          To comply with the new Duty to Integrate, the Board further agreed a process whereby the Working Group would research and identify actions of different partners which had the potential for being delivered in joined up and integrated ways in order to achieve greater outcomes, for more people, in less time and better cost. 

The process to establish an integrated action plan is currently underway.

5.3          The Board also suggested three additional sub-themes to cluster actions and for three work streams to be set up under the main Working Group focussing on:

a.    Early Intervention and Prevention

b.    Treatment

c.     Long-term support and management

5.4          Action Planning Process

The Working Group has started a comprehensive assessment of commissioning strategies and action plans to identify:

a.    actions that might contribute to the delivery of priorities in the JHWS 

b.    which actions contribute to which sub-theme

c.     synergies or duplications, i.e. which actions currently being delivered separately but with the same or similar outcomes might feasibly be:

i)      brought together for joint or integrated delivery for pace and scale

ii)     removed / decommissioned to free up resources

5.5          Observations

In undertaking the process, the Working Group observed two significant risks:

a.    Operational - the volume of actions under the Early intervention and Prevention theme was disproportionate to the other two work streams and delivery would be unmanageable

b.    Integration - by splitting out actions across three sub-groups, actions became “silo’d” and disconnected with cause and effect, impact and constraints not immediately clear, with risks to whole system integration

5.6          Recommendations

The Working Group recommends to Board that:

a.    only one Action Plan be produced

b.    each action be identified for its contribution to Early Intervention and Prevention, Treatment and Long-term conditions management outcomes

c.     for each action, clear accountabilities be set out as follows:

i)      who will lead the action

ii)     how will they be resourced

iii)   what are the outcome measures

iv)   what is the timeline for delivery

v)    what barriers to delivery exist and how can these be overcome

vi)   what progress has already been made

Although the content of the documents has been extracted from strategies and plans which have already been subject to public consultation, it will be only after the format and content of the documents have been agreed that consultation objectives and design can be considered.


Borough Solicitor

6.1       The contents of this report are noted, but no legal issues arise at present.

Borough Treasurer

6.2       There are no direct financial implications within this report, for the Council.


            Principal Groups Consulted

7.1       Members of the JHWS Working Group.

            Method of Consultation

7.2       Working Group Meetings and meetings internal to partner agencies.

            Representations Received

7.3       As recorded in the minutes of the Working Group.

Background Papers




Contact for further information

Zoë Johnstone, Adult Social Care, Health and Housing Department - 01344 351609


Appendix A – JHWS themes and priorities


The JHWS set out 5 over arching themes under which sit 19 priority areas to improve health and wellbeing outcomes and reduce health inequalities:

Themes and Priorities

The JHWS set out 5 themes:

Under which are grouped 17 priority issue areas:

With each action identified for its contribution to:

1. Long-term conditions

2. Respiratory Illness

4. Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy

6. Falls

14. Support for people who have had stroke

·         Early Intervention & Prevention

·         Treatment

·         Long-term management and support

2. Sexual Health

11. Sexual health

3. Safeguarding

See below.

4. Cancers

17. Cancers

5. Mental Health and wellbeing

5. Education, skills and employment

12. Prevention of Social and Emotional Isolation

13. Reduction of high rates of depression



1. Long-term conditions
& 4. Cancers

7. NHS Healthchecks

15. Tobacco and smoking cessation

1. Long-term conditions
& 5. Mental Health

1. Appropriate/adapted Housing

3. Dementia - Early diagnosis, treatment and support

16. Weight management, diet and nutrition and physical activity

3. Safeguarding
& 5. Mental Health

8. Vulnerable children and young people

10. Prevention of Domestic abuse

All themes

9. Prevention of alcohol & substance misuse